Where are you in the market cycle, how are you going to win the game ?

For the last few weeks, I have been speaking to early-stage companies and their young team of developers and entrepreneurs. Many are still building a technical solution with various components, and when I asked the question where they are in the market cycle, they are not able to answer the question. What market cycle ? To help them move forward with their marketing and sales strategy, I encourage them to read yet another book, see below, currently in its third edition.



“Per Demand” Business Models for Revenue Growth

As apposed to developer teams building individual software modules for enterprise customers, designing an open platform and  PRACTICAL (uncomplicated) ecosystem first, may prove most beneficial for future sales growth.

Benefits include :

  1. Establishing a customer relationship, as a “day to day” user experience
  2. Growing your brand name using meaningful data points and services within a system’s environment
  3. Accumulating more enterprise customer purchases in increments, defined by broader needs, and predicting customer benefits with the availability of new technologies and  “combinational”  flexibility

Requirements :

This platform approach requires a core value proposition that is practical and easily understood, reflecting inherent and particular customer needs, ideally also strengthening distinctive competitive advantages i.e lowering customer switching costs and integration expenses for the service provider.

Challenge :

So, what data sources and services are most important for your particular  enterprise customer, and how will you take advantage of this acquired knowledge ?

Start with a small platform, keep it “light” and very easy to use.

High-Touch Digital Services in Enterprise Sales

“In a separate commissioned survey by Forrester Consulting, B2B customers ranked easy-to-use, up-to-date DIGITAL customer interfaces as the most important characteristic of organizations they prefer to work with….

Yet … they also emphasized the need for a strong, ONGOING relationship with their sales reps. In fact, more than half said they would stop doing business with a company that failed to meet face-to-face regularly..” (Deloitte Digital)

So find and build the best sales process and start using both.

Report below with a few additional points, examples and questions.

Enterprise B2B Sales

LinkedIn Profiles ? Ask for References and a proper CV / Resume

Today, while reviewing the background of an individual, I was disappointed to see that the education listed on Linkedin was not correct, and this does support my argument that many profiles on LinkedIn are becoming increasingly “superficial, eccentric and flaky.”

Moving forward and to save time, I will ask for references immediately plus a properly written and updated CV.

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